Kaleo School of missions is an intensive program for those who feel called to missions and church planting. It can serve as an entry point into cross-cultural missions or a chance to be submerged deeply into the values that sustain revival.
Kaleo is the Greek word for calling. In Isaiah 6, the prophet Isaiah encountered God and was touched by His Holy fire. After the fire touched him, Isaiah said “I heard God's call ‘Who shall I send, and who will go for us?’. From the depth of my heart I cried out ‘Here am I! Send me!’ ” After this encounter with God, he was never the same.
We invite you to come and be part of this pioneering school. Come encounter His fire and be transformed for what He has commissioned you to do. God is calling His sons and daughters to come to deeper levels of intimacy with Him so they can GO and fulfill the Great Commission.
Our hearts are to equip and empower you with the tools and wisdom to launch long-term into the mission field. The harvest truly is plentiful, will you become one of the workers to bring in the Harvest of the Nations? We invite you to come and join us in Mexico!
Receive training in:
Church planting Pioneer missions Supernatural ministry Healing and deliverance Kaleo core values Much more!
Attend a missionary training school with Mexican pastors and leaders.
Be trained by experienced missionaries and ministers.
Be a part of the ministry team for large evangelistic outreaches.
Serve and immerse yourself into Mexican culture. You will gain practical mission experience which includes an extended outreach to various parts of the country. The school lasts 3 weeks followed by a 10 day extended outreach.
Outreaches experiences vary by school, more details will be provided later.
Be immersed in the culture and language of Mexico.
Get practically equipped for the physical challenges of long-term missions in developing nations and live with a company of abandoned, holy, and wholehearted lovers of Jesus.
After graduating from the school you may have the opportunity to join an Iris Global / Kaleo International missions base as a long-term missionary. (After interest is shown, decisions will be made case-by-case).
The difference between the Kaleo School of Missions and the Kaleo Leadership School is this:
KSM: The Kaleo School of Missions is an intensive program for those who feel called to missions and church planting. It can serve as an entry point into cross-cultural missions or a chance to be submerged deeply into the values that sustain revival.
KLS: The Kaleo Leadership School is an advanced (level 2) school for people who are currently serving as a pastor or a leader in ministry or have graduated from either the Iris Harvest School or the Kaleo School of Missions and want to go deeper in learning how to establish the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven as a leader in the body of Christ.